Heard a new song on the radio? Have a favorite song and want the chorus as your ringtone but dislike that long intro? Don’t fret, because now you can easily create new ringtones and replace your own tune instantly with the use of free software and this easy to follow guide.
To create our ringtones we'll use the free Audiko Web Wizard. Those who created this tool are really heaven-sent. Not only does it make creating or customizing a ringtone for your phone seamless, but the entire process is totally hassle free. Yep, Audiko is a free iPhone and Android ringtone maker and customizer -probably one of the best- that allows anyone to create ringtones as easy as 1-2-3.

The process is as simple as upload, cut and download. A child’s game right? All you need is to upload the file or the song that you want to use or its URL if the song is on the web. You can see its entire length and choose the part that you want the most. Whether it’s the chorus or just the intro is entirely up to you. Once you have selected the preferred fragment, all you need to do is download your newly created ringtone directly to your Android or iPhone handset. You can also download the tone to your computer and keep the file for later use.
One of the best things about Audiko is that it accepts and reads any audio and video file format, be it mp2, mp3, mp4, m4a, m4b, m4p, m4r, flac, aac, ogg, flv, mov, wav or wma. That means you literally won’t encounter any problem uploading your desired song. Also, the software does not require any video editing skill. Even if you’re an internet newbie you can make a ringtone in just a snap. Just let the file play, choose the portion you like most and it’s all done. If you want to store the tone you made, make sure to create an account, save the file and share it with your online buddies.. or make it available for public use.

There are several hundred audio and video tones to choose from, all of them classified by artist, title, album, year and genre. And when I say genre it means anything that falls into that category: rock, jazz, hip-hop, pop, alternative, soul, R&B, rap, indie classic, classic rock, hard rock, alternative rock, trance, metal, funk and even soundtracks. You name it, they have it. SMS tunes are also available, together with a huge collection of video ringtones for your perusal, from classic videos to the latest releases.
Always on the go? No problem. Download Audiko’s free app for iPhone or Android and you won't need anything else to get your new ringtone. Needless to say, the entire 2013’s top 100 tones are just a few seconds download away.
Head on to audiko.net and get ready to grove with the beat of your newly created ringtone. It requires no registration, no membership fee and entirely no strings-attached. Just a clean, free service for any ringtone fanatics worldwide.
Author: The author of this post is Bogdan Shumei. He writes reviews of different apps and newly developed programs. He is keen on swimming, hiking and reading.