While scientific advancements like bionic eyes that help restore human vision are getting closer to reality, everyday gadgets like smartphones can still pose major hurdles to the blind and visually impaired. Now Project Ray Project comes to help.
RAY is an integrated mobile device designed to assist the visually impaired and their families in their daily life. RAY uses commodity, off-the-shelf smartphone hardware. The device runs customized version of operating system supporting break-through user interface. The user interface combines touch screen, haptics, sensors, text-to-speech and audio feedback allowing for efficient operation of the device functions.
Ray integrates advanced communications services with capabilities offered by many purpose-built accessories. It is designed to support rich set of utilities and online services, which include telephony, messaging, navigation, audio book streaming, visual assistance, object recognition, social network services, as well as leisure and entertainment services. This is to increase independence, enrich social life and improve accessibility of essential services for the visually impaired.
Source: Project Ray Via: CNET