Yesterday, @eguille74 arrived home late from work - again. As usual, he emptied his pocket in the kitchen, on its way to the bedroom. He carefully left his precious (a Samsung Galaxy S2 i9100) over the cool glass pristine surface of the ceramic hob he bought some months ago, together with his wallet and the keys of his car.
This time though, the unexpected happened. It seems that -when he left the keys- a capacitive button of the hob woke up, lighting the zone where the top of his smartphone laid. Few minutes later, a gentle creaking sound and a distinctive smell called him to the kitchen.. and this is what he found:

A part from the "cosmetic" changes, @eguille74 told us the phone seems to work fine, except for the photo camera that makes blurry shots. I say, there's no need for him to get an Utano Barrier !!

The heat produced some capricious blending here and there. On the right, there's a new door with a latch where he can now attach a hand strap to avoid dropping the handset and infringe further damage.

Update: @eguille74 just told us he left his precious in the nearest Samsung Care Point, to see what can be done. Apparently, the staff was very professional, not making many questions nor commenting about it (we have a guess on what happened when he crossed the door.. LOL)

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